
Candy-Coated Fun

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I keep a great big candy bowl on my desk at work. Most of my coworkers eventually end up there at some point in the day, rummaging through the bowl for their favorites. I always keep it filled with a variety of small, individually wrapped items—gum, fireballs, peppermints, lifesavers, chocolate, and lollipops—and make sure it’s all fresh. They enjoy the candy, and I enjoy the visits!

This post is an excerpt from The Joy of Self-Care by Becca Anderson, which can be found at Amazon and Mango Media.


The Perfect Cup of Tea

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Photo by StarFlames / 95 images on

If you’re a tea lover, when was the last time you were able to take the time to be really present while making a cup of tea? When making your next cup, relish the moment and pay attention to how much better your tea tastes after you slow down your mind and enjoy the process of this simple pleasure.

Fill the kettle with fresh cold water. Bring to a rolling boil. Scald the teapot with hot water, then empty. Place 1 rounded teaspoon of loose tea per cup into an infuser inside the pot (or one tea bag per cup). Pour boiling
water into teapot. Let steep for three minutes. Remove tea infuser and serve.

This post is an excerpt from The Joy of Self-Care by Becca Anderson, which can be found at Amazon and Mango Media.


Setting the Scene

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photo by Ylanite / 813 images on

If you want great sex, think about creating a bedroom that’s conducive to intimacy, says Will Ross in The Wonderful Little Sex Book. “It doesn’t need to be elaborately furnished, but it should be uncluttered, have pleasing colors, and not be merely utilitarian; it should inspire a sense of beauty. The bed you use for sex ought to have a special, exotic, otherworldly feeling, almost evocative of an altar. There should be an air
of reverence. Some people enjoy making love under a canopy, and you may want to construct one. Soft lighting is immensely helpful, and so is quietly pulsating music. When the whole room feels like a retreat from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, won’t you relish the thought of spending time there with your beloved?”

This post is an excerpt from The Joy of Self-Care by Becca Anderson, which can be found at Amazon and Mango Media.


Late-Night Love Notes

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Photo by kalhh / 4296 images on

Last Valentine’s Day, I started a new tradition with my husband. I gave him a little journal that was only to
be used for writing love notes to each other. We keep it in the bedside table drawer, and whenever we feel compelled, we make an entry and then hide it under the other person’s pillow. There’s nothing like getting into bed, feeling that little lump under your head, and realizing that you have sweet words from your beloved to read before going to sleep.

This post is an excerpt from The Joy of Self-Care by Becca Anderson, which can be found at Amazon and Mango Media.


Ritual of Appreciation

brown wooden board
Photo by Pro Church Media on

You can do this anytime, anywhere, but this ritual, which I call “Appreciations,” is great around the Thanksgiving table. It’s wonderful for bringing people closer, even those who don’t know one another very well (because you can always find something to appreciate about someone, even if it is the Brussels sprouts casserole he contributed to dinner). It’s effective with alienated kids who tend to hear nothing but complaints about them most of the time.

“Appreciations” works best when everyone chooses one person as the focus and then everyone else, as the spirit moves them, speaks about that person. When everyone who wants to has spoken, move on to focus on the next person. There are four rules: remarks must be positive (no sarcasm or backhanded compliments), no one else may interject anything while someone is speaking, no one has to say anything if he or she doesn’t want to speak, and the object of the appreciations, instead of responding, just silently takes in the praise. It’s surprising how difficult this last rule is—but you’ll get used to it!

This post is an excerpt from The Joy of Self-Care by Becca Anderson, which can be found at Amazon and Mango Media.


Experiencing Great Holidays

a group of people sitting at a table
Photo by Surface on

When you think of the six-week period between Thanksgiving and the first of the year, do you look forward to the time with eager anticipation or a sense of dread? For so many of us, the holidays, which should be filled with opportunities for pleasure—a sense of togetherness, a chance to give, a chance to be grateful— are instead occasions for fights, disappointment, overspending, and fatigue.

Today, just take a moment to figure out why the holidays are not pleasurable for you. Do you or those
around you have unrealistic expectations that you run around trying to fulfill? Do you overspend? Do
the holidays bring up feelings of loneliness? Do you have trouble getting along with the relatives that you
will spend time with? Today all you have to do is to identify where the holidays get derailed for you and to
make a commitment to finding ways to increase your holiday pleasure.

This post is an excerpt from The Joy of Self-Care by Becca Anderson, which can be found at Amazon and Mango Media.


Create a Love Gallery

girl in pink shirt and blue skirt standing beside girl in pink shirt
Photo by Danila Hamsterman on

Years ago, my husband and I started putting pictures of loved ones up on a wall in our living room. They never failed to give me a lift as I walked in the door at the end of the day. We’ve moved several times, but our photo gallery always goes with us—hallways are a particularly good place for this. If you don’t want to go to the trouble of framing photos (we buy inexpensive black frames that create a visual harmony), you can simply tack photos onto a bulletin board or attach them to the fridge with magnets—any place where they will bring a smile to your lips.

This post is an excerpt from The Joy of Self-Care by Becca Anderson, which can be found at Amazon and Mango Media.


Basket of Love

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Photo by neelam279 / 1808 images on

Do you want to surprise your paramour some evening? Make a love basket. Simply find a heart-shaped basket, spray-paint it red (sand it slightly first so the paint will stick better), add a pretty ribbon to the handle, and then fill it with your beloved’s favorite things: chocolate- covered cherries, sexy underwear—whatever your sweetheart fancies. Then place it on your love’s pillow to be discovered.

This post is an excerpt from The Joy of Self-Care by Becca Anderson, which can be found at Amazon and Mango Media.


Web Time

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Photo by NastyaSensei on

Take time on a damp fall morning to observe a spider while she weaves her web in the garden. Watch her as she moves inside the rim, patiently and methodically, reaching out her leg to catch a strand of silk from her own body, threading it to a spoke and moving on, repeating the motion again and again. It will make you marvel at the endless magic of nature. More importantly, twenty minutes in her company will fill you with calm.

This post is an excerpt from The Joy of Self-Care by Becca Anderson, which can be found at Amazon and Mango Media.


Gifts of the Spirit

Free Group of People Sitting on White Mat on Grass Field Stock Photo
Photo by Helena Lopes on

I once came across a newsletter called Jumpin’ Jan’s Flash. The author recommended eight wonderful gifts of the spirit that can really bring happiness to you and your loved ones: the gift of listening, the gift of affection, the gift of laughter, the gift of a note of love and appreciation, the gift of a compliment, the gift of a favor, the gift of solitude, and the gift of a cheerful disposition. Consider the simple pleasure of giving of yourself.

This post is an excerpt from The Joy of Self-Care by Becca Anderson, which can be found at Amazon and Mango Media.